Community Yoga Classes
Classes and workshops taught by KRI Certified Instructors of Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan®
Please donate below for In-Person or Online Attendance
Suggested donation:
Single Class - $14
Entire Series - $10 per class
50% Discount for Full-Time Students and Limited Income
*Cash, Check, and Venmo is also accepted in attending in person*
"Return to Kundalini Yoga Durham"
when you've completed your donation!
First time visiting the studio?
The yoga studio is behind the purple house at 1215 Carroll St.
Please park on the street and walk down the driveway to the right and down the steps.
When you reach the bottom of the stairs, you will see the yurt straight ahead!
Monday Class
Ongoing with Various Instructors​
​January 6 - February 24
Mondays at 11:30-12:30pm
Foundations of Kundalini Yoga
Steer your course towards an extraordinary life! This series will introduce you to the powerful, practical tools of Kundalini Yoga and Meditation, cultivating an attitude of gratitude that leads to excellence and depth in the human experience. Although this series will be geared towards beginners, all levels of experience are welcome.

Wednesday Series
With Keval Kaur
January 8 - February 26​​​
Wednesdays at 6:00-7:30 PM
Belonging: Belonging is a primal and practical need for humans and other beings. This series will explore what it means “to belong” – to ourselves, to others, to the land, to something greater than ourselves. You’ll practice Kundalini Yoga techniques to help develop discernment and the capacity for connection to spaces of belonging.